Denise flicks back her flowing, ash-blonde hair and pouts pensively when I ask her why she signed up to work with the Live British Sluts phone sex line. “It’s a job,” she answers finally, “It gives me something interesting to do in the day. It’s better than sitting watching Jeremy Kyle, that’s for sure”. I glance round her workplace and have to agree. The stylish home oozes glamour and is neat as a pin.
The phone rings at that moment and I watch an intent look appear on her face as she answers, “Hi, you’re through to Denny, the horniest bitch you’re likely to find this side of the M25”. A knowing smile appears as she entices her punter with sexy shag chat, trying to find out just what turns him on.
Calls cost 80p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge.
I can appreciate how Denise got to be number one on the popularity ratings for the chat line. She’s a pro at this game and her sex chat is XXX rated and so hard core it embarrassed me to listen in. I felt like some kind of creepy stalker or peeping Tom getting turned on by a real live sex session between two rampant lovers.
I listened into about five of Denise’s calls while interviewing her and it was probably the sexiest day I’d spent in years. And unbelievable just how many guys finished their call with the loudest Happy Ending I’ve heard outside of When Harry Met Sally, because when Denise gets them going she’s in it to win it in the same way as her phone sex callers.